
Serving: Where Love Meets Action

Serving: Where Love Meets Action

Joining our hands in service. Transforming lives and hearts for Christ.

 Making an Impact

Serving is at the heart of our faith. When we serve others with love and compassion, it’s not just an act – it’s a lifestyle.

It's a way to demonstrate God's love in tangible ways and to be a light to the world. So whether it’s in the church or the community, we’d love to have you join the crew!

Serve at PFA

Here’s how you can get involved. And heads up – stay tuned for more opportunities in the future!

Frequently Asked Questions


        Enhance our worship experience by joining our tech team. From running sound and cameras/live stream to managing visual presentations, your skills can create an atmosphere that draws people closer to God.

        Sign Up Here

    Kids & Nursery

        Ready, set, go! Help impact the next generation by serving in our children's ministry. Whether you have a heart for the nursery or teaching kids about Jesus, your love and dedication will make an eternal impact on their lives.

        Sign Up Here

    Hospitality (greeters, ushers, and security)

        Create a warm and welcoming environment for everyone who enters our doors. When you’re on the hospitality team, you help others feel at home and safe in our church family, setting the stage for them to encounter God's presence. 

        Sign Up Here

Serve Beyond the Church Walls

Our Commitment to the Community

We're dedicated to serving Pensacola through partnerships with local organizations, community events, and volunteer initiatives. Our commitment to the community is rooted in Christ's love, inspiring us to serve our neighbors with compassion and care.

Our Heart for Missions

We're dedicated to crossing borders and breaking barriers to share the love of Jesus. We support missions as a vital expression of God's heart for all nations – fulfilling the Great Commission and reaching those who are unreached.

We’d Love for You to Join Us!

Curious about joining our outreach team or looking for information on missions? Email us for more details at the link below.

Contact Us

At PFA, we’re reaching our community and the world through outreach. We believe in the power of the Gospel to transform lives, communities, and nations, and we're dedicated to being part of that transformation.

By partnering with local organizations and supporting global missions, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus – bringing hope and love to those in need.

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