
Discovering God's Love at PFA Kids

An adventure awaits!

Empowering Kids to Live for Jesus

We Empower Kids to Live for Jesus

Welcome to PFA Kids! Here, we create a fun, safe, and engaging environment where kids can discover the love of Jesus, grow in their relationship with Him, and learn to impact their world for Christ.

Every child is a precious gift from God. And it's our joy to partner with parents in nurturing their faith.

What to Expect: All the Details

Service Times

Our services take place on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM, and childcare is available from start to finish.

And don’t miss out on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM – we also have Kids Ministry during Family Discipleship.


Safety and security are top priorities for us. All of our volunteers undergo thorough background checks and training to ensure that your children are well cared for in a secure environment.

Age Groups

Nursery (Infants - Age 2)

Our loving nursery team is dedicated to providing a safe, comfortable space for our littlest ones. With age-appropriate toys, snuggles, and lots of love, we create a warm atmosphere where babies can feel secure and happy while parents enjoy the service.

Pre-K (Potty-trained, Preschool)

In our Pre-K class, preschoolers engage in fun, interactive Bible lessons, crafts, and snacks that help them learn about God's love while having fun. Our caring teachers use age-appropriate activities to make learning about Jesus exciting and memorable.

K-5th (Elementary

Let’s go! PFA Kids Church is an action-packed experience for elementary-aged children. With engaging worship and dynamic Bible lessons, kids are taught ways to stay involved in what they’re learning and have fun. Our team is passionate about helping children understand and apply biblical truths to their lives in a way that is both fun and meaningful.

Our Mission

Our Mission

We firmly believe that a church without children or youth is a dying church. We must teach children that Jesus is the only way, truth, and life. Proverbs 22:6 says, if we “train up a child in the way he should go when he is old he will not depart from it.” Even Jesus admonishes his disciples in Mark 10:14 that they should “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

We are being disciples, making disciples! We are teaching them to love our Lord God and to love people, by meeting them where they are and encouraging them in a lifelong joyous relationship with Jesus Christ. Speaking into each child’s Spirit. Praying over them, with them, and for them.

We must also remember that “it’s about people, not programs.” At the core of what we do, it’s about the people we serve. God has called us to ministry to point others to Him. He uses each of us as His hands and feet, even children!


We are not just growing a ministry. We are expanding the kingdom of God.

- Jenny Morris
Children’s Ministry Director

Our Leadership

Our Leadership

Pastor Lee and his wife Crystal Tate

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Jenny Morris, Kids Ministry Director

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Kim Singleton, Worship Leader

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Volunteer at PFA Kids

Volunteer at PFA Kids

Ready, set, go! Help impact the next generation by serving in our children's ministry. Whether you have a heart for the nursery or teaching kids about Jesus, your love and dedication will make an eternal impact on their lives.

Sign Up Here

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

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Ladies Fall Gathering

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Contact Us

Questions about kid's ministry? We’d love to hear from you.

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